Tuesday, 18 June 2013 »

Deputy Judge Attorney General/Deputy Commandant - ITBP

ITBP  invites  applications   from  eligible  male  & female  Indian  citizens
.having  LLB  degree  to fill up following  vacant  Group  "A" posts  in the pay  scale & allowances  as admissible  under rules,
1.Deputy Judge Attorney General/Deputy Commandant
Posts : 11
Pay Scale : PB  -3 Rs.  15,600-39,100/- General/Deputy + Grade  Pay  Rs.  6,600/- per month plus allowances.

Telecom Jobs in Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBP)

Applications are invited from male Indian citizens, for filling up of vacancies in below posts on temporary basis likely to be permanent, in the Indo Tibetan Border Police Force:
1  Sub-Inspector(Telecommunication) : Pay Band -2,  Rs. 9300-34800+Grade  Pay  Rs.  4200/- pm , Posts : 10, Age : 20-25
2  Head Constable (Telecommunication) : Pay Band –I,  Rs. 5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs. 2400/- pm Posts : 369, Age : 18-25

Technical posts in National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI)

CSIR-NBRI invites applications in the prescribed application form for the following  technical  /  support  staff  posts  from  Indian  citizens  as  per  qualifications  and  other  details, mentioned for the post(s):
1. Senior Technical Officer (2) PB -3 (Rs. 15600-39100) + GP Rs. 6600/-,  Total
Emoluments :  Rs. 56460/-,  No. of posts : 03 . Max Age : 40 Years.
2. Technical Officer  PB -2 ( Rs. 9300-34800) + GP Rs. 4600/-, Total Emoluments                            
Rs. 37160/- ,    No. of post : 01, Max Age : 30 Years.

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) - Chennai

Requirements & Posts :
1. Scientific  Assistant-I  in  Directorate  of  Plant  Protection,  Quarantine  & Storage , posts- 3
2. Photographer  Grade-III  in  Zoological  Survey  of  India,
Chennai, posts- 1
3.Senior Scientific Assistant (Explosives) in
Directorate of Forensic Science Services, posts-1